Create a customized Google map using your own colors and styles, change and animate the map marker using Google Maps API V3.
This tutorial will cover the following options in Google Maps API:
- zoom: This option defines the zoom level our map uses when initialized, users will still be able to zoom in and out using the default Google Maps arrows.
- center: Defines the center of our map.
- mapTypeId: This option defines which map view is loaded. You can load a road map, a satellite map, and other views.
- streetViewControl: This option if set to false will make the street view option on the top left corner disappear.
- navigationControl: This option if set to false will make the navigation arrows disappear. This will prevent the users from zooming in and out.
- navigationControlOptions: This will define the style of the navigation arrows. If set to default, the arrows will automatically be adjusted to fit in your map.
- mapTypeControl: This option if set to false will hide the map types on the top right corner of the map.
- mapTypeControlOptions: This specifies the options for the mapTypeControl and can be used to add your own map types.